Category Archives: News

10th Top GB Masters Club in 2017

It’s official! The final results have just been confirmed and Team Luton finished 10th in the 2017 GB Men’s Team Masters Decathlon competition. We were the highest ranked club from the Swim England East Region.

10th in GB: Alex, Graham, Dave & Alastair

Our Ladies also claimed their highest ever position. Read here for a detailed report.

The new year has also got off to a flying start for our Masters with six gold, three silver and one bronze medal at the South East Masters and four new Beds County Masters records for Karen MacKenzie. Read here for all the details.

2018: A New Year Full Of Promise

A review of the latest club swim records shows that over 100 new figures were set in 2017. With Rikki Morris our new Head Coach  now on board we eagerly look forward to the Beds County championships being held 26th – 28th January and 3rd – 4th February at Inspire. Over three dozen of our swimmers are competing, some for the first time at County level. Might we see more records broken to kick start 2018? Good luck to everyone (not forgetting the handful of older swimmers competing in Crawley at the South East Masters).

Compendium Challenge 2017

The club’s team spirit was clearly in evidence at last night’s Compendium Challenge which saw swimmers from ages 7 to 62 years old taking part. For some it was their first ever competitive events whist others could take pride in completing the endurance test of 8 sprint events in one session. All with the added bonus of spot prizes! Congratulations on the many Qualifying times, Club Records and Personal Best Times.

Compendium Challenge Officials & Helpers

Thanks to all our officials, coaches, volunteers and parents for your support. We could not hold such galas without you.

Rhys Davidson – England Talent selection

Congratulations to Rhys Davidson selected for England Programmes Phase 1 camps.

This fantastic achievement involves Rhys attending 3 one day camps through September to November aimed at developing his swim specific knowledge.

Head Coach Adam Taylor said, the selection was ” well deserved coming from (his) recent racing success. Well done Rhys – everyone at Team Luton is very proud. Make the most of this brilliant opportunity!”

County Honours For All Ages

Individuals across a fifty year age range have been chosen to represent Beds County, demonstrating the depth of talent held by members of the club .

Chiara, Ellie, Celyn, Rhys & Freddie

Five of our Performance Squad were up in Sheffield at the weekend competing in the National County Team Championships; Chiara Rogers (aged 13), Eleanor King (17), Celyn Walmsley (15), Rhys Davidson (13) and Freddie Symonds (15).

Meanwhile Alex Mason (21), Michael Poynton (27), Karen MacKenzie (44) and Graham Powell (61) have all been selected to swim for Beds in the Masters Inter Counties at Newmarket next month.

County caps were also won last month by Veronica Popow (10), Jack Juggins (11 and Susanna Opoku-Gyamfi (12).

Well done eveyone.

Medal Strike at East Region Masters

Our Masters and Seniors were in medal winning form bringing home a total of 7 Gold, 5 Silver and 4 Bronze medals from their East Region championships at the weekend.

Valuable points were gained for the National Masters Decathlon competition. As a result Team Luton are now standing 14th in the Men’s Team competition with 16,417 points, just 78 points short of their best ever total. The Ladies Team are currently in 124th position with 5,428 points from just 18 qualifying races.

Read here for a full report.

5 British & English Summer National Finalists!

Congratulations to Chiara Rogers, Celyn Walmsley, Chantal Smith , Nicola Pasquire and Matthew Wright for your swims up in Sheffield bringing Team Luton’s  2016/17 season to a highly successful conclusion.

Finals and top ten places were secured by all, topped off by Matthew winning Gold in the English 400m Freestyle, albeit representing Bath University where he has just finished his first year’s studies. Read here for a full report.

The fantastic results are testament to all of the hours put in by our swimmers and all of our coaching staff. It was also a fitting end to  Adam Taylor’s first year as Head Coach coming just after the club recognised all of its up and coming swimmers, with over 120 club records established over the last year.

Well done everyone!